
As a child, I loved watching my parents in the kitchen. They were able to cook by taste, smell, sight, and sound, which all seemed like magic to me. I never saw them follow a recipe closely. My parents tinkered with a general list of ingredients until they happened upon their version of a dish. Initially, I tried to take a precise approach to cooking and quantify everything into reliable measurements and predictable patterns. This approach served me well in college and medical school, but not so well in the kitchen. I soon learned that while there are elements of science to cooking and baking, there is also an art to the process that relies on sensory skills and intuition. This lesson has continually presented itself in different facets of my life, including my medical practice. Thank you for joining me on this culinary journey from my happy place - the intersection between art and science - AKA my kitchen.

Chom Chom Kitchen

Photos by @chomchomkitchen.


Brown Butter Cardamom Cookies